DTN IQFeed® Symbol Guide


Commodity Market: MDEX

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The symbology for a future contract is [FUTURE ROOT][MONTH CODE][2 DIGIT YEAR]
For example: @ESZ15 = Emini S&P 500 December 2015 Future Contract
The symbology for a future option contract is [FUTURE SYMBOL][P/C][STRIKE]
For example: @ESZ15C154000 = Emini S&P 500 December Call at 1540.00 strike

Jan-F    Feb-G    Mar-H    Apr-J    May-K    Jun-M   
Jul-N    Aug-Q    Sep-U    Oct-V    Nov-X    Dec-Z
· Replace the Month and Year code with "#" for Front Month (ie. @ES# instead of @ESZ15).
· Replace the Month and Year code with "#C" for Front Month back-adjusted history (ie. @ES#C instead of @ESZ15).
MDEX: Records=10
Future Future Root Description Roll Rule Description
EPOV24 EPO EAST MALAYSIAN CRUDE PALM OIL OCTOBER 2024 Roll 33 trading days from the end of the month prior to expiration.
FSOX24 FSO DCE SOYBEAN OIL NOVEMBER 2024 Roll 33 trading days from the end of the month prior to expiration.
GLDN24 GLD GOLD JULY 2024 Roll on expiration date.
KLIN24 KLI KUALA LUMPUR STOCK EXCH COMP JULY 2024 Roll on expiration date.
KPKQ24 KPK CRUDE PALM KERNEL OIL AUGUST 2024 Roll on expiration date.
KPOV24 KPO CRUDE PALM OIL OCTOBER 2024 Roll 33 trading days from the end of the month prior to expiration.
M70N24 M70 MINI FTSE BURSA MALAYSIA MID 70 INDEX JULY 2024 Roll on expiration date.
POLV24 POL USD RBD PALM OLEIN OCTOBER 2024 Roll on expiration date.
TINQ24 TIN TIN AUGUST 2024 Roll on expiration date.
UPOQ24 UPO CRUDE PALM OIL (USD) AUGUST 2024 Roll on expiration date.