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DTN IQ Satellite
+Volume NYSE +Volume and -Volume indicates the number VINA.Z
-Volume of shares that have traded up or down in price VIND.Z
Total from the previous day's close. The Total VINT.Z
Unchanged represents the total number of shares traded VINU.Z
that day on the NYSE.
NYSE NYSE advances are the number of issues that
Advances traded higher in price from the close. Declines IINA.Z
Declines are the number of issues that traded lower in IIND.Z
Total price from the close. IINT.Z
Unchanged IINU.Z
NYSE Tick The NYSE tick is the number of stocks whose TINA.Z
current price is higher than the previous trade TIND.Z
(uptick) minus the number whose current price TINT.Z
is lower than he previous trade (downtick). TICK.Z
INDU Tick The INDU Tick represents the number of the TIKI.Z
Dow 30 Industrials that have traded lower in
PRICE from the previous trade subtracted
from the number of 30 Industrials that traded
higher in price from the previous trade.
The INDU Tick will range from +30 to -30.
NYSE TRIN The NYSE Trin is a measure of stock market TRIN.Z
strength that divides the advance/decline
ratio by the advance volume/decline volume
ratio. Trin greater than 1.0 indicates
volume is concentrated in declining issues.
Trin below 1.0 indicates volume is
concentrated in advancing issues.
S&P PREM The S&P 500 premium represents the cash PRSP.Z SP-PREM.Z
price of the S&P 500 Index subtracted from
the price of the nearby S&P futures contract.
S&P PREM The Standard & Poors 500 premium combined PRSC.Z SP-PRM2.Z
Combined represents the cash price of the S&P 500 Index
subtracted from the price of the nearby
combined S&P futures contract.
MINI DOW The Mini Dow premium represents the cash PRYM.Z YM-PREM.Z
PREM price of the Dow Jones Industrial Average
subtracted from the price of the nearby mini-
sized Dow futures.
MINI RUSSELL The Mini Russell 2000 premium represents PRRM.Z RM-PREM.Z
2000 PREM the cash price of the Russell 2000 Index
subtracted from the price of the nearby
Mini-Russell 2000 futures.
MINI NASDAQ The Mini NASDAQ 100 premium represents PRNQ.Z NQ-PREM.Z
100 PREM the cash price of the NASDAQ 100 index
subtracted from the price of the nearby
E-mini NASDAQ 100 futures.
MINI S&P 500 The Mini S&P 500 premium represents the PREM.Z EM-PREM.Z
PREM cash price of the S&P 500 index subtracted
from the price of the nearby E-mini S&P 500
DOW JONES The Dow Jones Industrials premium PRDJ.Z DJ-PREM.Z
PREM represents the cash price of the Dow Jones
index subtracted from the price of the nearby
Dow Jones Industrials futures.
GOLDMAN The Goldman Sachs premium represents PGRI.Z GI-PREM.Z
SACHS PREM the cash price of the GSCI subtracted from
the price of the nearby GSCI futures.
S&P 400 The S&P 400 MidCap premium represents PRMD.Z MD-PREM.Z
MIDCAP PREM the cash price of the S&P MidCap index
subtracted from the price of the nearby
S&P 400 MidCap futures.
NASDAQ 100 The NASDAQ 100 premium represents the PRND.Z ND-PREM.Z
PREM cash price of the NASDAQ 100 index
subtracted from the price of the nearby
NASDAQ 100 futures.
RUSSELL 2000 The Russell 2000 premium represents PRRL.Z RL-PREM.Z
PREM the cash price of the Russell 2000 index
subtracted from the price of the nearby
Russell 2000 futures.
AMEX VOLUME The AMEX volume represents the total
AMEX ADV number of shares traded that day on VCAA.Z
AMEX DEC AMEX. The advances and declines VCAD.Z
AMEX TOT represent the number of AMEX issues VCAT.Z
AMEX UNCH that traded up or down in price from VCAU.Z
the previous day's close.
NASDAQ NASDAQ + Volume and - Volume
+ VOLUME indicates the number of shares VI5A.Z
- VOLUME that have traded up or down in price VI5D.Z
UNCHANGED from the previous day's close. The VI5U.Z
TOTAL total represents the total number of VI5T.Z
shares traded that day on NASDAQ.
NASDAQ NASDAQ advances are the number
ADVANCES of issues that are trading higher in price II5A.Z
DECLINES from the previous day's close. II5D.Z
UNCHANGED Declines are the number of issues II5U.Z
TOTAL that are trading lower in price from II5T.Z
the previous day's close.
advance/decline ratio by the
NASDAQ advancing volume/
declining volume ratio.
CBOE The CBOE put/call ratio measures PCRATIO.Z
PC RATIO the number of puts traded on the
CBOE (both equity and option)
divided by the number of calls
traded on the CBOE.